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    VMX ROS Node

    The VMX ROS Node for ROS Kinetic is currently under development.  The VMX ROS Node will provide access to low-level and high-level VMX functionality either directly on the Raspberry Pi host, or remotely from a separate computer.

    The VMX ROS Node can provide both low-level control (e.g., control of digital IOs, access to IMU and CAN Bus) and also high-level control (kinematics-based control of drive trains).  The envisioned high-level control portion would publish “IMU” and “Wheel Odometry Messages, with the goal of interoperating with the robot_pose_ekf ROS package to track robot position; the robot_pos_ekf package can also integrate Visual Odometry (VO), e.g., from an OpenCV Vision Processing applicaton.

    Kauai Labs is still gathering final requirements for the VMX ROS node, and we’d be happy to hear from you if you have any requirements.  Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions, concerns or feature requests.