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    WorldSkills 2015 Mobile Robotics | Africa

    WorldSkills 2015: Mobile Robotics Competition

    Team South Africa

    Marnes van der Walt & Su-Mari Jansen van Vuuren

    Team South Africa scored 471 points in the Mobile Robotics Competition. This is team did a fantastic job in representing South Africa, and has the distinction of being one of two teams in the event that has a female competitor, Su-Mari Jansen van Vuuren. Congratulations to both these participants. We encourage you to check out their robotic design below.

    More WorldSkills Mobile Robotics

    Studica is very proud to be part of the WorldSkills community, and congratulates both these teams on qualifying for WorldSkills 2015! For more information on how you can enter this competition in 2017, please visit our WorldSkills store for authorized robotic components and contact your country\'s member organization for registration.

    WorldSkills is a great way to promote STEM education and future careers in STEM industries. Get involved today, and become part of a global community that supports skills excellence in and out of the classroom!

    SOURCE IMAGES: Studica / WorldSkills