Game Design for Girls: Building Interest with App Camp

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App Camp Game Design for GirlsTrying to stay on top of the changes in technology can be a daunting task.  News of innovation, new products and gadgets happen daily.  I get my fix from a variety of sources including Engadget, Ars Technica, AnandTech, Asymco and others.  For Apple and related news, I will read John Gruber’s insightful posts at Daring Fireball.  A while back a post titled ‘App Camp for Girls’ caught my attention because it is dedicated to making game design for girls.  It linked to an Indiegogo campaign to launch a non-profit organization “to address the gender imbalance among software developers by giving girls the chance to learn how to build apps”.  A great idea. It's a commonly known fact that women make a small percentage of the professionals in computer and video game development. But there are several women who are prominent game designers. In the future, we hope that the feminine contribution to game design continues to grow.

STEM Education and Game Design

Here at Studica, we have been involved in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Education for many years.  One of the National goals of STEM Education is to increase the participation of women and girls by increasing their engagement with STEM subjects.  App Camp for Girls seeks to “address the gender imbalance among software developers by giving girls the chance to learn how to build apps, to be inspired by women instructors, and to get exposure to software development as a career.”  The organization has very admirable goals for the future, including expansion beyond their Portland, OR base.  You can learn more about App Camp for Game Design for Girls in the following video, and contribute to their campaign goal on Indiegogo.

App Camp For Girls: Success! from Jean MacDonald on Vimeo.

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