Using fischertechnik in Your Classroom—Part 2:


While the above example relates to an engineering classroom, a similar challenge could be posed to students using any of the other fischertechnik sets. Students working with, for example, the da Vinci Machines set might be asked how an improvement could be made to his original design of the file cutting machine which might improve the safety of use, or students using the Oeco Tech and Hydro Cell kits

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Fun with Physics, Universal 3 and Challenge!

std-adminCompetitions & Contests, fischertechnik

Two much anticipated new releases from fischertechnik are due to finally hit our shelves in the coming month. The first is the new Profi Dynamic set. Subtitled “fun with Physics” , this great new set contains over 400 pieces and includes instructions for building six different coaster style models, all for learning about such physical phenomena as acceleration, inertia of mass, centrifugal force, the law of conservation of energy, the principle of linear momentum and laws of motion.

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Introducing the First Annual fischertechnik Design and Engineering Challenge!

std-adminCompetitions & Contests, fischertechnik

For this, the first annual fischertechnik Design and Engineering Challenge, our goal is to find the VERY best of the best, those special machines which most effectively and creatively address the task of sorting materials based on color. One winner will be selected from both the middle school and high school level and will be crowned “America’s Best Marble Sorter 2011”.

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