Tools for Teaching Renewable Energy

kristielAll Topics, fischertechnik, STEM Education

Tools for Teaching Renewable Energy

As you are well aware, renewable energy is gaining more and more attention as we look for ways to conserve natural resources and provide reliable power sources. Renewable energy sources include solar, geothermal, biomass, wind, and hydropower. With the increasing importance of this topic, how do we teach it to our students and get them excited about it? For starters, … Read More

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Exploring the Fourier NovaScope

std-adminAll Topics

Fourier Education has produced a wide range of Data Logging tools, Sensors, and Experiments that test, drive, and influence the learning of our students in many positive ways. With the wide range of use of the Fourier Data Loggers, it is not surprising that Fourier would be able to produce a tool as useful and as easy to use as the Fourier NovaScope.

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NI myDAQ in Action

std-adminNI | National Instruments

Tasks ranging from filter design, data logging, logic testing, circuit analysis, signal generation and many more can be done using the myDAQ. I could write more about it, but I thought these student videos would tell the story much better.

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