Building ‘Out of the Box’ with fischertechnik


Kits are available that address many different areas of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Education, from physics to pneumatics, robotics to renewable energies, as well as fundamentals of gears, structures, bracing, simple machines, and so much more.

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Using fischertechnik in Your Classroom—Part 2:


While the above example relates to an engineering classroom, a similar challenge could be posed to students using any of the other fischertechnik sets. Students working with, for example, the da Vinci Machines set might be asked how an improvement could be made to his original design of the file cutting machine which might improve the safety of use, or students using the Oeco Tech and Hydro Cell kits

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Using the fischertechnik ‘Mechanics + Statics’ Set for Teaching Fundamentals of Construction, Engineering and Physics

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how fischertechnik can become a valuable tool in your classroom. Today we will look at one of my very favorite fischertechnik sets , the “Mechanic + Statics” set (item #93291), which is widely used in classes addressing such topics as Physics, Shop, Construction, Engineering, Bridge Building, and even Architecture.

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