The Newest Platform for Teaching STEM

std-adminNI | National Instruments

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The combination of the NI myDAQ, NI LabVIEW and the mini-system (for sending project-specific signals to and from the myDAQ) is an amazing tool for educators. The challenges of teaching (and engaging) digital natives is difficult. Digitally-native students don’t remember a world without Google and in many cases they think email is too slow. Therefore it becomes necessary to create a strategy to reach them. What better way to do this than by leveraging the medium of technology? myDAQ and LabVIEW software together gives students real world lab experience. This is an ideal method of teaching for STEM concepts, physics, biology, biomedical, computer science and graphical programming.  For more information, click here.

If you are middle or high school teacher that is interested in a trial program, please email [email protected] to request more information.

Author: Kristie Laettner

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