Contains ceramic disc, mylar, and electrolytic-type capacitors. 21 varieties, 100 pieces total - 30 ceramic from 10pF to 470pF, 35 mylar from 0.001?F to 0.220?F, and 35 electrolytic from 1?F to 1000?F. Packaged in a cardboard organizer box.
Contains an assortment of transistors, NPN, PNP, FETs, Darlington, and Power. 100 pieces total, 15 types. Packed in a cardboard organizer box.
Contains 140 lengths of pre-stripped; pre-formed #22 solid wire in various colors. Contains 14 different lengths of 10 pieces each. Storage case included.
Model 9433 Breadboard bundled with JW70 Jumper Wire Kit. 1660 test points; 252 separate 5 point terminals; plus 8 horizontal bus lines. Three color coded binding posts; black; red and green. 70 pieces pre-stripped; pre-formed solid #22 wire.
Model 9438 Bredboard bundled with JW140 Jumper Wire Kit. 2390 test points; 378 separate 5 point terminals; plus 10 horizontal bus lines. Four color coded binding posts; black; red; yellow and green. 140 pieces pre-stripped; pre-formed solid #22 wire. 14 different length.
Model 9440 Breadboard bundled with JW350 Jumper Wire Kit. 3220 test points; 504 separate 5 point terminals; plus 14 horizontal bus lines. Four color coded binding posts; black; red; yellow and green. 350 pieces pre-stripped; pre-formed solid #22 wire. 14 different length.
Contains five (5) each of 73 standard values, from 1? to 1M? - 1/2 watt, 5% tolerance, carbon film - 365 pieces total.