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    ESL Library Webinar

    Teaching English with ESL Library

    Tuesday, January 18th at 3 PM - 4 PM Eastern

    ESL Library provides an assortment of English teaching materials and offers annual subscriptions for teachers. Teachers get access to customized flashcard sets, resources such as teaching aids and warm-ups, and a large selection of PDF lessons. With the digital add-on that is included with the subscription, you can also send digital homework assignments to students, view reports on performance, and facilitate interactive group activities and tutoring sessions. Learn how to use ESL Library to teach both in-person and online using a live, synchronous platform (like Zoom, Google Meet, etc.) or an asynchronous platform (such as Canvas, Google Classroom, Moodle, etc.). In this 1-hour webinar, you will learn how to:

    • Search for various lessons and resources
    • Teach using digital activities via screen-sharing (in an online or physical classroom)
    • Assign digital homework & check student progress and results

    What is ESL Library?

    ESL Library understands that students want to talk about real issues, therefore they offer relevant content to keep them engaged. This includes debate and discussion lessons that focus on real-world current events. To achieve fluency language learners also need variety. ESL offers functional, academic, and conversational content for all levels that is constantly modified.

    ESL Library for Education

    Teach your best class every day with well-planned, engaging materials from ESL Library. From grammar and literacy to dialogues, discussions, and debates, our ever-expanding library of student-focused content makes it easy to find materials relevant to all your students’ language needs.

    What Do You Get with ESL Library?

    1,500+ Lessons - Download, print, and photocopy our reproducible PDF lessons.
    2,000+ Flashcards - Create customized flashcard sets to print or project in class.
    200+ Resources - Access classroom teaching aids, warm‑ups, and assessment forms.
    Interactive Group Activities - Facilitate dynamic classroom and tutoring sessions on any device.
    Reporting Tools - See your students’ results for each activity in real-time.
    Online Homework - Send digital assignments to your students to work on from home.

    Looking for more information? Contact us or request a quote.