The fischertechnik Training Factory Industry 4.0 is extremely flexible, modular, reasonably priced, and highly robust training and simulation model.
Changes in industrial production driven by digitalization make stronger networking and more relevant information necessary on all production levels. With the fischertechnik Training Factory Industry 4.0, these digitalization activities can be simulated, learned, and applied on a small scale before they are implemented on a large scale.
The fischertechnik Training Factory Industry 4.0 is a 9V simulation model that consists of factory modules including storage and retrieval stations, a Vacuum Gripper robot, High-Bay Warehouse, Multi-Processing Station with Oven, a Sorting Line with Color Detection, an environmental sensor, and a pivoting camera. It is especially designed for exploring and understanding industry 4.0 applications in vocational schools and training as well as for research, teaching and development at universities, in companies, and IT departments.
Furnace with pneumatic sliding door. Downstream processing station with pneumatic transfer unit including vacuum gripper, cutter with rotary table, and conveyor belt. Pre-assembled training model, wired to 2 fully programmed fischertechnik ROBOTICS TXT Controllers.
U-shaped conveyor line. Features a milling and a drilling station, and four conveyor belt sections. Fully assembled training model, wired to two pre-programmed fischertechnik ROBOTICS TXT Controllers.
3-axis robot with vacuum gripper. Works quickly and precisely, to position workpieces in three-dimensional space. Fully assembled training model for use with PLC (Programable Logic Controllers) and PLC programming software.
System for detecting workpieces of different colors and sorting them via a conveyor belt into three different storage bins. Fully assembled training model, wired to pre-programmed fischertechnik ROBOTICS TXT Controller.
Conveyor belt with two light barriers, one machining station, and one workpiece. Designed to simulate the movement and punching of workpieces on an automated line. Fully assembled training model, wired to one pre-programmed fischertechnik ROBOTICS TXT Controller.