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    APUS (American Public University System)

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    NI Elvis III

    ( 4 In stock)

    Programmable Xilinx 7020 FPGA NI ELVIS—The NI Engineering Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS) III is an engineering laboratory device developed for project-based learning.

    NI myRIO Embedded Student Design Device

    ( 8 In stock)

    The National Instruments myRIO-1900 is a portable reconfigurable I/O (RIO) device that students can use to design control, robotics, and mechatronics systems.

    For motor control, select the MD2 Motor Driver, below in our Add-ons.

    myParts Kit from Texas Instruments: Companion Parts Kit for NI myDAQ

    ( 5 In stock)

    The myParts kit from Texas Instruments comes with a collection of parts that are the building blocks of all electronics, including op-amps, an instrumentation amplifier, a comparator, voltage regulators, switching regulators, digital logic gates, timers, temperature sensors, data converters, transistors, resistors, capacitors, LEDs, switches, a wiring kit and more.

    NI myRIO Embedded Systems Accessory Kit

    ( 6 In stock)

    The NI myRIO Embedded Systems Accessory Kit contains common sensors, devices, and a display for your embedded systems projects as described in the NI myRIO Project Essentials Guide.

    Required for APUS courses: ELEN430, ELEN435, ELEN436, ELEN440, ELEN498, ELEN499

    (NI myRIO not included)

    NI myRIO Mechatronics Accessory Kit

    ( 5 In stock)

    The NI myRIO Mechatronics Accessory Kit includes a variety of commonly used motors, sensors, and components.

    APUS (American Public University System)
