Digilent, now a part of Emerson, has been at the forefront of innovation since 2000, crafting hardware and software solutions that empower engineers, researchers, educators, and scientists to design and test with unparalleled flexibility. Our customizable solutions cater to both seasoned professionals and emerging engineers, accelerating development while maintaining a low barrier to entry.
We're committed to making engineering accessible, offering competitive pricing, portable products, and comprehensive documentation. With a global presence spanning three continents, Digilent ensures speedy and cost-effective access to our products through an extensive distribution network. Specializing in USB-based test and measurement devices, flexible and intuitive software, low-cost data acquisition and data logging tools, and AMD-based FPGA development boards, our products’ design philosophy champions your creativity. By providing world class documentation and support and keeping our hardware and software flexible and practical, we are continuing to provide the building blocks while you bring the brilliance.
The myParts kit from Texas Instruments comes with a collection of parts that are the building blocks of all electronics, including op-amps, an instrumentation amplifier, a comparator, voltage regulators, switching regulators, digital logic gates, timers, temperature sensors, data converters, transistors, resistors, capacitors, LEDs, switches, a wiring kit and more.
MXP Wirewrap provides a large 14 x 21 hole prototyping area on an expansion card compatible with the my-RIO Expansion Port (MXP). The MXP Wirewrap functions as an I/O breakout, with bus traces for GND, 3.3V, & 5V on either side of the prototyping area. The MXP Wirewrap's connector is also keyed to ensure correct connection with your NI my-RIO.
The Pmod VGA provides a VGA port to any board with Pmod connectivity. The VGA port can be used to drive standard displays such as televisions and monitors. The host board must be capable of driving a fast parallel data bus in order to properly drive a display with the Pmod VGA.
The Digilent PmodALS demonstrates light-to-digital sensing through a single ambient light sensor. Digilent Engineers designed this Pmod around Texas Instrument's ADC081S021 analog-to-digital converter and Vishay Semiconductor's TEMT6000X01.
PmodKYPD - 16-Button Keypad is a peripheral module featuring a 16-button keypad. The keys are numbered in a hexadecimal fashion (0-9, A-F). It uses a standard 12-pin Pmod header that will indicate which row and which column has been pressed in the array of buttons.
The PmodMAXSONAR is a single-transducer ultrasonic range finder that uses the MaxBotix® LV-MaxSonar®-EZ1™. Users can measure how far away an object is with an accuracy within 1 inch to over 20 feet away. Information is sent in a variety of ways including UART, PWM, and analog signals.
The PmodSSD is a two-digit seven-segment display. Users can toggle through GPIO signals which digit is currently on at a rate of 50 Hz or greater to achieve persistence-of-vision to give the effect of both digits being lit up simultaneously.
The PmodSWT provides users with four slides switches for up to 16 different binary logic inputs to for the attached system board.
The PmodTMP2 is an ambient temperature sensor powered by the Analog Devices® ADT7420. Through the I2C interface, users may appreciate a resolution of 0.0078 °C through 16 bits of data.
FT232R Serial to USB Interface Pmod™ Platform Evaluation Expansion Board
The PmodACL2 is a 3-axis MEMS accelerometer powered by the Analog Devices ADXL362. By communicating with the chip via the SPI protocol, users may receive up to 12 bits of resolution for each axis of acceleration.
Digilent’s latest multi-function test and measurement device, also known as the AD3, is a digital oscilloscope, logic analyzer, waveform generator, pattern generator, and much more. Using the flexible WaveForms software (supported by Windows, Mac, and Linux), the Analog Discovery 3 can be used in the lab, in the field, or even at home - you're no longer tied down to a traditional benchtop and stacks of expensive test instruments.
The Audio Adapter+ is a module that allows the Analog Discovery 3 to capture and analyze audio signals from external sources and easily connect audio signals generated by the device to audio devices like headphones and speakers
The curve tracer instrument in WaveForms allows several of the Discovery family of devices to draw characteristic curves of common devices like diodes, NPN and PNP transistors, and both P- and N-type FETs.
The BNC Adapter for Analog Discovery provides this connection method to both the waveform generator and oscilloscope instruments, while keeping the option and convenience of the standard MTE cables for the other 10 instruments on the Analog Discovery 2 and Analog Discovery 3.
One of the 12 instruments of the Analog Discovery is the Impedance Analyzer instrument, which allows the user to analyze inductive and capacitive elements of a circuit under test.
The Breadboard Adapter for Analog Discovery provides a 400 tie point breadboard or prototyping surface, that can be directly connected to the Analog Discovery.
The Current and Power Adapter extends the capabilities of Analog Discovery devices with external circuitry to enable current measurement. It allows users to visualize current, voltage, and power in DC and AC circuits.
Protect your investment in style! This durable zippered soft case was designed specifically for the Analog Discovery 3 and includes a meshed pocket to store cables and accessories, along with a foam insert to ensure that added components do not damage the Analog Discovery 3 in transit.
The Analog Discovery Studio is a fully functional, portable test and measurement device that can turn any cross-functional space into a pop-up electronics laboratory. Equipped with 13 instruments, including an Oscilloscope, Logic Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer, Waveform Generator, and more; the Analog Discovery Studio provides an entire stack of bench-top instruments with a convenient, replaceable, and breadboardable interface, perfect for enabling student learning anywhere.