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    National Instruments is now NI - Engineer Ambitiously™. ‎

    NI , (National Instruments), is pushing the limits of innovation, so you can build a better business—and a better world. Let’s build what’s next.

    Whether in the classroom or the lab, today’s students and researchers look to increase their rate of discovery and innovation. NI provides solutions that address challenges from the classroom to leading fields of research like wireless communications. We partner with education experts to develop the right tools to help students understand problems and build real solutions faster than ever.

    In 2023, Emerson acquired NI. As part of Emerson's new Test & Measurement business group, we’ll build on our legacy and leadership in software-connected automated T&M systems, and we remain focused on investing in industry leading innovations and delivering differentiated solutions to our customers.

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    myDAQ Student Bundle - LabVIEW & Multisim

    $334.95 $389.99
    (In stock)
    Get the NI myDAQ Data Acquisition Device included with LabVIEW and Multisim in this power-packed student bundle from National Instruments. Designed to give students the ability to work on engineering coursework and experiment with their projects hands-on anywhere, anytime. (Only for sale to students in the USA).

    myDAQ for Students - Hardware only

    (In stock)

    The NI myDAQ student data acquisition device is designed to give students the ability to work on various electronic engineering course work and experiment hands-on with their projects anywhere, anytime. The NI myDAQ is a high-quality electronic lab instrumentation device that gives students the power to prototype electronic systems designs, control systems designs and electronic test circuits outside of the classroom and improve their comprehension with continuous reinforcement. Note: This version of the myDAQ is only for sale to students in the USA.

    NI Multisim Circuit Design Suite Student Edition

    (In stock)

    NI Circuit Design Suite Student Edition combines Multisim 14.3 and Ultiboard PCB Design Software, to offer students a complete set of professional tools for schematic circuit design, simulation, validation, and advanced PCB layout. The Circuit Design Suite software download helps you design from electronic circuits to final printed circuit board protypes using the latest professional intuitive and cost-effective tools.


    Note: (Only for sale to Students and Faculty in the USA for lab preparation on personal computers, not for classroom or institutional use.  No returns or refunds for any download products.)

    NI myRIO Embedded Student Design Device

    ( 8 In stock)

    The National Instruments myRIO-1900 is a portable reconfigurable I/O (RIO) device that students can use to design control, robotics, and mechatronics systems.

    For motor control, select the MD2 Motor Driver, below in our Add-ons.

    NI Elvis III

    ( 4 In stock)

    Programmable Xilinx 7020 FPGA NI ELVIS—The NI Engineering Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS) III is an engineering laboratory device developed for project-based learning.

    Circuits, Third Edition Textbook

    $99.95 $154.00
    ( 10 In stock)

    Circuits, Third Edition Textbook helps students understand a wide range of timeless principles and problem techniques that are essential to circuit studies. Generally, circuit theory is the entry course in pursuing education in electrical and computer engineering. While this book is a great introductory text, a background in physics and elementary differential and integral calculus is assumed.

    Circuits Textbook, Second Edition - On sale while quantities last!

    ( 21 In stock)
    The Circuits Second Edition textbook conveys a set of timeless principles and problem solving techniques for a first course in electrical engineering circuit analysis, it also provides a valuable framework for subsequent studies. The Circuits second edition textbook offers a number of significant enhancements.

    Integrator Power Electronics Lab

    ( 2 In stock)

    Introductory Power NI ELVIS Electronics Device—The Integrator Power Electronics Fundamentals Board for NI ELVIS II/II+ is an add-on application board for the NI Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite II (NI ELVIS II) or NI ELVIS II+ for power electronics applications. The Integrator Power Electronics Fundamentals Board for NI ELVIS II/II+ provides both the hardware and lab resources necessary to teach these topics, giving students all components, wires, and instruments needed conduct experiments. The accompanying software includes all lab instructions and provides students with a simple method of conducting and exporting results of experiments for each lab.

    NI Elvis III Power Cord - US/Canada

    ( 4 In stock)

    NI myDAQ - for K12 Classrooms

    Request Quote

    National Instrument's NI myDAQ is designed to give students the ability to work on engineering course work and experiment with projects hands-on anywhere, anytime. The NI myDAQ is a high-quality instrumentation device gives student's the power to prototype systems and test circuits outside of the classroom while improving comprehension with continuous reinforcement.


    For all Classroom options and Quotations, please contact an Account representative for more information, and to discuss your specific needs.



    NI myRIO Embedded Systems Accessory Kit

    ( 6 In stock)

    The NI myRIO Embedded Systems Accessory Kit contains common sensors, devices, and a display for your embedded systems projects as described in the NI myRIO Project Essentials Guide.

    Required for APUS courses: ELEN430, ELEN435, ELEN436, ELEN440, ELEN498, ELEN499

    (NI myRIO not included)

    NI myRIO Mechatronics Accessory Kit

    ( 5 In stock)

    The NI myRIO Mechatronics Accessory Kit includes a variety of commonly used motors, sensors, and components.

    NI myRIO Starter Accessory Kit

    ( 8 In stock)

    The NI myRIO Starter Accessory Kit contains everything you need to get started connecting to and programming the I/O of myRIO, myDAQ, or other NI projects.

    Stratom X-Hub Adapter for myRIO

    $239.00 $298.95
    ( 22 In stock)

    The Stratom X-HUB is a USB and Ethernet hub for myRIO. X-HUB is inserted into the top of myRIO, and is styled for a seamless look. It gives myRIO users access to an Ethernet port and two extra USB ports for a total of three USB ports. The power cable plugs directly into X-HUB to power both X-HUB and myRIO. The USB device cable is also inserted directly into X-HUB with the same functionality as plugging directly into myRIO. 


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