The JST-GH to JST-GH Cable connects external sensors, breakout boards or other devices.
Detailed Specifications:
The Studica Robotics FTC Power Block is a game-changer in facilitating seamless power connections for various devices throughout your FTC robot.
This kit may be used with older structure and most sensors. It includes everything required to connect to the collection and sensors. The only other electronic item required may be the SR-Pro Camera.
The VMX Wallwart Barrel Plug Adapter cable connects a VMX power connector to an external 12VDC Wallwart power supply.
The Studica Robotics VMX (part #70176) is a powerful robotics controller with technology for enabling a rich development environment. The VMX is a Linux-based computing platform with software tools and features enabling access to cutting-edge sensors.
The Studica Robotics VMX Cable Pack includes JST-GH to 4-pin Dupont cables, a battery adapter cable and a Wallwart Barrel Plug adapter cable for the VMX.
The VMX Battery Adapter cable connects a VMX-pi power connector to an external battery supply.